
Android를위한 Сура Хадис Куръон Точики

  • 무료

  • 사용 언어: 한국어/조선말
  • V 1.0.8
  • 4.5

  • 보안 상태

Softonic 리뷰

Сура Хадис Куръон Точики

Сура Хадис Куръон Точики, also known as Дарус Суннаҳ, is an educational and reference program aimed at teaching the essential Islamic knowledge. This program offers lessons covering various categories, including beliefs, moral injunctions, Arabic language studies, translations and explanations of morning and evening adhkar, simplified fiqh lessons on purification, prayer, and fasting, as well as the biography of the Prophet Muhammad. It also includes lectures on Hadith, recitation of the Quran with 114 complete surahs, lessons on ethics, and teachings by Dr. Salahuddin Javhari in Persian language.

The main objectives of the program are to emphasize the importance of Islamic teachings, eradicate ignorance and misconceptions about Islam and Muslims, promote monotheism, and distance from sins and disobedience. It aims to provide answers to questions regarding the Islamic faith and guide individuals towards a better understanding and practice of Islam.

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Android를위한 Сура Хадис Куръон Точики

  • 무료

  • 사용 언어: 한국어/조선말
  • V 1.0.8
  • 4.5

  • 보안 상태

Сура Хадис Куръон Точики에 대한 사용자 리뷰

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